Yoga For Beginners At Home

Yoga For Beginners At Home. Get Detailed Information On How To Start Yoga At The Comfort Of Your Home. Check This Post Now.

Yoga For Beginners At Home

Are you a Yoga lover? Are you looking forward to starting yoga? I have good news for you! I have prepared detailed information on how you can start yoga. What’s more? You can even start this from the comfort of your home! If you want to see how possible this is, then keep reading.

What Is Yoga?

Yoga is a well known way of promoting physical as well as mental health being. Yoga emphasis posture, breathing techniques and meditation.

How Can I Start Yoga At Home As A Beginner?

Here are some of the yoga styles you can do at home:

  1. Easy Pose
  2. Child’s Pose
  3. Tree Pose
  4. Downward Dog
  5. Warrior Two
  6. Low Lunge
  7. Seated Forward Bend
  8. Reclining Twist
  9. Bridge Pose
  10. Leg Of The Wall

Yoga For Beginners At Home

1. Easy Pose

This is one of the poses you can do as a beginner at home. To do this, you would need to sit on your mat with your legs out in front of you. Each foot should be crossed underneath the knee of the opposite while you rest your hand on your legs.

This type of posture helps in strengthening your back as well as abdominal muscles.

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2. Child’s Pose

Next on out list, we have Child’s pose. This particular pose would help you stretch your hip, your back and your arm. To do this, you need to kneel, spread your legs and your arms touching the floor. Bend your head also to touch the floor.

3. Tree Pose

Next on out list, we have tree pose. If you are looking for a pose to improve your balance, then this is the one. To do this, you would need to stand on one foot, the raised foot should be turned inward while rested on the other knee.

4. Downward Dog

Next on out list, we have downward dog. This pose would help strengthen you back, spine, legs and feet. To do this, your hands should be one the floor whole spread apart and stretched from your legs then, lift your butt towards the ceiling.

5. Warrior Two

Next on out list, we have warrior two. This pose works on core muscles. Its main purpose also is to improve balance. To do this, make a standing position, your feet should be wide apart from each other. Turn your right foot out, and your left foot should be inward. Then bend your right knee. Your arms should also be parallel to the floor while your palms are facing down.

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6. Low Lunge

Next on out list, we have low lunge. This pose helps in stretching the chest and shoulders. To do this, from downward dog pose, step your right foot between your hands lower your left knee and calf to the floor then raise your arms.

7. Seated Forward Bend

Next on out list, we have seated forward bend. Just like the name suggests, you just have to seat  on your mat with your legs forward. Bend forward with your back as straight as possible, grab your toes. This pose helps you stretch your spine and your shoulders.

8. Reclining Twist

Next on out list, we have Reclining twist. This pose helps you stretches out your lower back, spine and your shoulder. To do this, you would need to lie on your mat in a t shape. Your knees should be at your chest while you keep your arms out, let your knees fall to one side while you look at the opposite shoulder.

9. Bridge Pose

Next on out list, we have bridge pose. This pose strengthens your thighs, your buttocks and your back. To do this, you need to lie on your back with your arms by your side when your knees are bent, you feet should also be flat on the floor. Raise your butt from off the floor.

10. Leg Of The Wall

Lastly on out list, we have leg off the wall. One good thing about this pose is that it helps promote the flow of blood to the brain and it keeps you relaxed. To do this, lie with your hips as close to the wall as possible. Stretch your legs up the wall while you keep your hand flat on the ground.

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Yoga is a great form of exercise regardless of your age. You can make this a way of life and watch how stress level would be reduced each day.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What Is The Main Purpose Of Yoga?

Yoga helps improves strength, balance as well as flexibility

2. What Are The Four Names Of Yoga?

Yoga manifests itself in four major paths, They are, Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Rāja Yoga and Jñāna Yoga

3. Is Yoga Related To God?

It is believed that Yoga helps us establish a connection with God.

4. Which Religion Uses Yoga?


5. Can Muslims Do Yoga?

Many Muslims practice yoga as a form of relaxation and exercise

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