Advantages And Disadvantages Of Quantitative And Qualitative Research

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Quantitative And Qualitative Research. Research Means New Discoveries. Get All You Need To Know About Quantitative And Qualitative Research. Check This Post Now. 

Quantitative And Qualitative Research


Do you want to know the difference between Quantitative Research and Qualitative Research? Do you wish to know the advantages and advantages of Quantitative Research and Qualitative Research? Then this article is for you, as we will be evaluating the merits and de-merits of Quantitative Research and Qualitative Research.

What Is Quantitative Research?

This involves the gathering of information and also collection of data in quantities and numbers. This type of research does not rely on opinions but it is purely scientific. An example of this research is conducting surveys to determine how many numbers of female genders are being born in Nigeria and in this scenario, one can use questionnaires, online surveys and polls to collate the figure representing the numbers of female genders that are being born.

What Is Qualitative Research?

In this type of research, methologies are being investigated by collection of data where the researcher engages in an open ended questions. This simply means the researcher is engaged in his questions and is targeting the answers that matches with his targeted subjected group.

What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Qualitative Research?

Advantages Of Quantitative Research

  1. To Reach Accurate Conclusion
  2. Low Time Consumption
  3. Reliability
  4. Private Identity
  5. Mobility

Advantages Of Quantitative Research

1. To Reach Accurate Conclusion

No matter how large the subject matter is, this research allows you reach an accurate conclusion. This research also makes it simplistic for researcher to arrive at the accurate target.

2. Low Time Consumption

This type of research is not time consuming.

3. Reliability

This type of research do not focus on reports and opinions but instead it focuses more on accurate data which is more reliable and real.

Read Also: Limitations And Weaknesses Of Quantitative Research

4. Private Identity

This research protects the identity of the information provider. It only focuses on collection of data and this makes the information provider give honest opinions.

5. Mobility

There is no need for face to face conversations in this type of research. The problem of monitoring the subject matter to provide adequate information is taken off w-by adopting this research.

Disadvantages Of Quantitative Research

  1. Changes In The Society Can Affect Research
  2. The Research Only Involves Numbers
  3. The High Cost Can Be Discouraging

Disadvantages Of Quantitative Research

1. Changes In The Society Can Affect Research

One thing that is a disadvantage of this research is that when the society grows, the opinions of people changes, as this happens because of the changes in the society at large.

2. The Research Only Involves Numbers

Another disadvantage is that this type of research involves only numbers, while there are some topics that are too difficult to quantify in numbers.

3. The High Cost Can Be Discouraging

The high cost of this research is relatively too high, when the research work is too expensive, it can be discouraging.

What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Qualitative Research?

Advantages Of Qualitative Research

  1. Ability To Obtain The Right Data
  2. Obtaining Of Data In Larger Scale
  3. Focuses More On Human Experiences
  4. More Questions Can Be Asked
  5. Researchers Response Are Authentic

Advantages Of Qualitative Research

1. Ability To Obtain The Right Data

This research gives the researcher the ability to get rich and also obtain descriptive data about case studies,cultural immersion and so on.

2. Obtaining Of Data In Larger Scale

This type of research, due to the depth of qualitative research, subject matters can be examined on a larger scale in greater detail.

3. Focuses More On Human Experiences

This type of researches focuses more on human experiences and observations.

4. More Questions Can Be Asked

This researcher can flow with the initial data by asking further questions in respect of the answers, as this is not the case of the other types of research.

5. Researchers Response Are Authentic

The respondents to the researcher are authentic and very creative and not even filtered, which promises more accurate data.

Disadvantages Of Qualitative Research

  1. Takes Too Much Time To Complete
  2. Studies Can Not Be Generalized
  3. Responses Can Be Bias
  4. Data May Be Lost During Gathering
  5. Experience Is Needed

Disadvantages Of Qualitative Research

1. Takes Too Much Time To Complete

Qualitative research often take more time to complete due to the pain staking nature of gathering and analyzing field notes, studying photographs and so on.

2. Studies Can Not Be Generalized

Studies are not easily replicable or generalizable to the general population.

3. Responses Can Be Bias

Conscious or unconscious bias can influence the researcher’s conclusions.

4. Data May Be Lost During Gathering

There is the possibility of lost data in the process of gathering. It has an enormous responsibilty which non experienced researchers may have difficulty to bear.

5. Experience Is Needed

Researchers must be experienced and have detailed knowledge in the subject matter to arrive at the right results.

Frequently Asked Questions.

1. What Is The Difference Between Qualitative And Quantitative With Examples?

Quantitative data is fixed and “universal” while qualitative data is subjective and dynamic. For example, if something weighs 20 kilograms, that can be considered an objective fact.

2. Is Population Qualitative Or Quantitative?

Quantitative Data.

3. Is Date A Qualitative Data?

However, since adding timestamps together makes no sense, a date is considered a qualitative variable.

4. Is Sampling Quantitative?

Quantitative studies usually use sampling techniques based on probability theory.

5. Which Variable Is Qualitative?

Categorical Variable.


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