Most Protected People In The World 2023

Most Protected People In The World 2023. Get An Idea Of The Most Protected People In The World. Check This Post Now. 

Most Protected People


Are you looking into knowing the most protected people  in the world? Do you want to know the world’s influential people who have the most deadly forces and special security units that can exist? Then this article is for you, as we will be giving you a rundown of the world’s  most protected people in 2023.

Who Are The Most Protected People In The World 2023?

  1. Vladimir Putin
  2. Donald Trump
  3. Pope Francis
  4. Xi Jinping
  5. Mohamed Bin Salman
  6. Kim Jong-Un
  7. Queen Elizabeth II
  8. Mark Zuckerberg
  9. Floyd Mayweather
  10. Prince Harry And Megan Markle

Most Protected People In The World 2023

1. Vladimir Putin

First on our list of protected people in the world is the Russian president, Vladimir Putin. He is not only the president of Russia but he is also known to be very powerful and has in possession world’s deadly nuclear weapons, which adds a plus to his importance and therefore to his personal security. Vladimir Putin is known to be the most protected man on earth.

2. Donald Trump

Donald Trump is not only an ex president to one of the most developed countries, that is the United States but also he’s also a billionaire who has hundreds of businesses around the world. Donald Trump is estimated to have a net worth of around 2.5 billion dollars and with the wealth and his love for security, he was able to make it on the list of the most protected people in the world.

3. Pope Francis

Next on our list on world’s most protected persons is the religious leader and bishop of Rome, as the head of the Catholic Church and like the president of the country , he also needs the maximum protection. The Pope resides in one of the most armored cities in the world, the Vatican City, in Rome (Italy). His first line of defense is the Pontifical Swiss Guard which is a unit of armed forces and honor guards maintained by the Holy See that protects the Pope and the Apostolic Palace, serving as the de facto army of Vatican City.The Swiss Guard remains one of the top security forces in the world today.

4. Xi Jinping

The Chin’s top man is the most protected politician, and it is no surprise that he is well guarded, as he remains China’s first citizen. Also it is recorded that Xi Jimping is the person with the highest number of attacks in the world and it is not surprising when we understand that China is the most populous country on the planet. This means that they have a serious number of bodyguards protecting him at every step he takes and wherever he moves to.

5. Mohamed Bin Salman

Mohamed Bin Salman is the most protected Arab leader. He is the crowned prince of Saudi Arabia, and the nation with the largest oil in the world, making Mohamed Bin Salman one of the richest and also he’s also the country’s deputy prime minister and also he is the president of some other ministry council in the state, making him a man to be protected extremely.

6. Kim Jong-Un

Kim Jong-Un is the world’s most protected dictator. North Korea is one of the most controlled societies in the world till date, yet its leader’s security is a s strong as iron & steel. The North Korean dictator, not only has a few super soldiers watching his back, but he also has his own army believed to number between 100,000 and 120,000 men, and this elite unit is called the Supreme Guard Command and they serve with Kim’s highly trained personal army, which is directly and completely dependent on him.

7. Queen Elizabeth II

The late queen before her demise and passing was one of the most powerful persons in the world. The late queen is on our list, because she was considered a very precious and invaluable treasure, hence making her then the most protected before she passed away naturally. She had the world’s most impressive security forces known as the Queen’s Guard.

8. Mark Zuckerberg

Mark remains one of the richest men on earth, and he is also one of the most protected people in the world currently, the facebook founder is very much known to be very simple and has a fortified defense system that keeps him safe and protected all the time. The Meta owner has the password to the database of billions of people in the world of which when tampered can lead to disaster, this is more reason why he needs tight protection.

9. Floyd Mayweather

The well known and popular athlete is not only one of the greatest boxers alive, he’s also one of the most protected people in the world. His security is so extreme that he’s now considered the most protected athlete. The wealthy boxer has enough money to spend on personal security and this has made him world’s most protected this 2023.

10. Prince Harry And Megan Markle

The couples are one of the most protected couple that ever existed, even before having renounced royalty. It is estimated that the people who were involved in their safety were more than hundreds and close to a thousand people, who have dedicated all their working hours to make sure that nothing could harm them.

Frequently Asked Questions.

1. Who Protects USA?

The Secret Service.

2. Who Protects A Country?

The military or armed forces.

3. Who Is The Safest House In The World?

The White House.

4. Who Protects The Country From Enemies?

The military.

5. What Country is #1 In Freedom?


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