10 Loan App That Gives Higher Amount In Nigeria With Low Interest

10 Loan App That Gives Higher Amount In Nigeria With Low Interest. Loans Can Be A Good Way To Boost Your Business And Invest In Yourself. Get Informed On The Best Loan Apps For Low Interest Loans. Check This Post. 

Loan App That Gives Higher Amount In Nigeria


Are you looking for information on loan apps? Do you know that some loan app comes with pretty low interest rates? Sounds interesting right? Well, in this article, i have outlined the best low apps to run to with low interest rate. Keep reading to find out.

What Is A Loan?

Loans are typically money a lender or bank gives out to individuals or businesses with financial need and get them back over a period of time with interests.

What Are The Loan Apps That Gives Higher Amount In Nigeria With Low Interest?

  1. Carbon Loan App
  2. Umba Instant Loan App
  3. Branch Loan App
  4. Quick Check Loan App
  5. Fair Money Loan App
  6. Kiakia Loan App
  7. Palm Credit Loan App
  8. Aella Credit Loan App
  9. Okash Loan App
  10. Alat By Wema Loan App

10 Loan App That Gives Higher Amount In Nigeria With Low Interest

1. Carbon Loan App

This is one of the best loan apps we have in Nigeria. Carbon loan app allows you to easily apply for loans, make payments as well as manage your investment online. Do you know you can get up to 1 million naira loan on carbon without guarantor, paper work or even collateral? It is even very easy to use.

You can easily download the app and then proceed to create an account then  you apply for a loan. Once the loan is approved, you would get it in your account immediately. The interest rate of carbon per month is from 5 percent to 30 percent.

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2. Umba Instant Loan App

Umba Instant loan app is another very reliable app when it comes to getting a loan with low interest rate. One unique thing about this loan app is that they do not charge late fees. Once you pay up your loan, you would be eligible for another loan. The maximum term for loans in the app is 62 days while the maximum amount you can borrow is NGN89,000. It’s interest rate is at 10 percent.

3. Branch Loan App

Next, we have branch loan app. You can get up to 500,000 naira when you first register with branch loan app. You can get installments loans. The interest rate in this loan app is from 1.5 percent  to 20 percent per month.

4. Quick Check Loan App

Another reliable loan platform is quick check loan app. This app can evaluate loan requests without having to come physically. One thing i love about this app also is that it has a user friendly interface. You can get loans up to NGN 500,000 on this app as well and it’s interest rate is from 2 percent to 30 percent.

5. Fair Money Loan App

Fair money loan app is a very popular loan platform in Nigeria. It has become a Microfinance bank now. You can borrow up to 1 million naira on this loan app and its interest rate is from 10% to 30%.

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6. Kiakia Loan App

This loan app is a very unique one as it connects both lender and borrower to get loans and investment opportunities.   You would need to provide some personal information like a valid ID card, your bank account, your BVN and so on. It has an interest rate of 15 percent. Getting a loan in this app is quite easy by just clicking “ Get Loan”.

7. Palm Credit Loan App

Next, we have palm credit loan app. You can get up to NGN 300,000 on this loan app. You do not need a guarantor or any paper work to get a loan. The interest rate on this app is from 5 percent to 28 percent. Repayment options are quite flexible.

8. Aella Credit Loan App

Aella credit loan app is another good app to get your loan from. In less than 10 minutes, you can get a loan from this app. You can even get up to NGN 1,000,000. First, you’d need to download the loan app and then sign up. The interest rate on Aella credit loan app is from 6 percent to 20 percent.

9. Okash Loan App

Okash loan app is another loan platform that  powered by Blue ridge Microfinance bank as well as Opay. One thing i love about this loan app is that you can get instant loans in minutes. However, if you are below 20 years or above 55 years, you are not eligible to borrow. Okash loan app interest rates are charged daily and it is 1.2 percent if you set a duration of 15 days.

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10. Alat By Wema Loan App

Lastly, we have Alat by wema loan app. This is one of the most popular digital banking platforms. Here, you can have easy access to loans without collaterals. You can borrow up to NGN 4,000,000 as a salary earner on this loan app. It has an interest rate of 2 percent and you can spread payment up to 12 months.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Do I Need Collateral To Get Loans From Loan Apps?

Most loan apps do not require collaterals before you can access loans.

2. How Can I Borrow A Lot Of Money Fast?

You can borrow money instantly with loan apps.

3. Do Loan Apps Have Interest Rates?

Yes, loan apps have interest but it depends on how it is calculated.

4. Do I Need My BVN For Loans?

Yes, most loan apps or lenders require your BVN for proper identification.

5. Who Owns Lcredit?

Lcredit is owned by Cashigo International Ltd.

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