Difference Between Federal And State Government

Difference Between Federal And State Government. Get Clarification On The Differences And Roles Of Federal And State Government. Check This Post Now. 

Federal And State Government


Do you want to know the gap and difference between the federal and state government? Have you been looking for what differentiates the federal government from the state? Then this article is for you, as we will be discussing the difference between federal and state government.

What Is A Federal Government?

A federal system of government can be seen as a system of dividing power between a central national government and local state governments that are similarly connected to one another by the national government.

What Is A State Government?

This type of government controls a subdivision of a country in a federal form of government, which shares political power with the federal or national government. A state government may be subject to the direct control of the federal government.

What Are The Differences Between Federal And State Government?

As we all know that the government is divided into three spheres of government, and they are the federal, the state and lastly, the local. In this article, we are only going to be discussing the first two, that is the federal and ofcourse the state.

There are notable differences between the both, as each of them have their funtions and the different roles they play. Under the federal, there’s the three arms of government;

  1. The Executive Arm
  2. Legislative Arm
  3. Judicial Arm

All of these arms play different roles in the federal department, most especially on binding laws. As the Executive, executes the law, the Legislative makes the law and lastly the judicial applies and defends the law.

On the other end, In Nigeria, states enjoy a level of sovereignty, but you should know that this sovereignty is within the constraints of the Federal Government as provided for by the constitution. Here are some of the roles of the State Government;

  1. Security Of Lives And Properties
  2. Provision Of Basic Infrastructures
  3. Creating Business Opportunities
  4. Establishing Schools
  5. Establishing Quality Healthcare Systems
  6. Generate Revenue

Roles Of State Government

1. Security Of Lives And Properties

This is a very important role the state government play in the society today, the state government ensures the lives and properties of people are in safe hands.

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2. Provision Of Basic Infrastructures

We all know the state government provides basic amenities to the society, like shelter, water, good roads and electricity and the rest.

3. Creating Business Opportunities

They also create environment for businesses to thrive and excel, by giving out loans to small and medium entrepreneurs as well as large scale investors.

4. Establishing Schools

The state government sees education very important, and that is why they have chosen to build, design and equip schools with the right things to create youths that will be great in future, and with this, they also create jobs by providing residents a platform to earn in the form of academic and non-academic staffs.

5. Establishing Quality Healthcare Systems

Another role the state government provide is quality healthcare system, in this case, the state government build, equip and run hospitals where people can get quality health treatment at a subsidized fee.

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6. Generate Revenue

One important role social government play in the society is the ability to generate revenue. No matter the amount the federal gives the state, it can never be enough and that is why the state government generates revenue themselves.

Difference Between Federal And State Government

  1. Power To Construct Lower Courts Of Law
  2. Authority To Maintain Forces
  3. Law Making
  4. Foreign Trade
  5. Rule Of Power
  6. Regulating States

Difference Between Federal And State Government

1. Power To Construct Lower Courts Of Law

In the aspect of controlling legal concerns, the federal government has the right to construct lower courts of law, as this power is not in the hands of the states.

2. Authority To Maintain Forces

The federal government has the authority to raise and maintain forces for the defense of national territory, unlike the states that have no say, they act only for the benefit of the inhabitants of the state.

3. Law Making

Every laws enacted by the federal government apply worldwide and are enforced by all states, but laws made by the state government apply only to the residents of that state.

4. Foreign Trade

The federal government is in charge of international trade and oversees the effective operation of international businesses, while the state on the other hand is unable to regulate international trade.

5. Rule Of Power

Since the federal government regulates every aspect of the nation amd including the functioning of the states, it simply means the federal government has more power and responsibility than the state governments.

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6. Regulating States

The main difference between the federal and state government is that the federal has the supreme authority to regulate the various states of the country, whereas the state on it’s own can’t regulate all but only subject to it’s own boundaries of the particular state it governs. The state government serves it’s own citizens.

Frequently Asked Questions.

1. What Defines A Federal State?

Federalism is a system of government in which the same territory is controlled by two levels of government.

2. Why Is It Called Federal?

“Federal” means there is both a national government and governments of the 50 states.

3. Is Nigeria A Federal State?

Nigeria is a federation of 36 states and 1 federal capital territory.

4. Who Is Higher Federal Or State?

Federal tax rates are typically higher than state tax rates.

5. What Is The Smallest Federal State?



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